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Submission Guidelines

We welcome reviews, interviews, and topical thought pieces in the form of writing, podcasts, and videos. These might focus on a Latinx comic book creator or literary author, artist (all media), TV shows, films, and videogames, social media and Internet phenomena—anything Latinx pop culture.

For written pieces, we suggest 250 (min) to 1000 (max) words in length.


For videos, we suggest a maximum length of 30 mins.

Interviews should be in a Question & Answer format and include a short introduction that provides brief biographical and contextual information about the interviewee.


When creating your reviews, interviews, topical thought pieces think of your audience as smart but not necessarily in-the-know about the subject of your focus.


Before writing, please provide a brief pitch your idea either directly to the Team and their respective section or to


Once we receive your Team-approved piece, we will edit and post within 2 weeks. We will publish 2 new pieces a month.

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Category (adult, nonfiction, poetry, etc.)
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